What makes the Story of Scripture event something I need to attend?

The Story of Scripture isn’t just about God’s master plan of redemption from Genesis to
Revelation. It’s also about how you can trust the God of promises with the deepest needs of
your life. You’ll discover in a new way where you fit into the greatest story ever told. During the
event, you’ll see how God’s Word contains threads that weave together the entire redemption
● How God saw the problem we brought on ourselves and opened the door to a solution in
which he did for us something we couldn't do for ourselves.
● How the covenants all connect and point us to Jesus.
● How God had implemented his plan for redemption from the first bite of the forbidden
fruit to the restoration of the creation.
● How God is going to restore things to hIs original plan for perfection, and the place we all
have in his Kingdom.

Who is the keynote speaker?

For this event we’re thrilled to be featuring Dr. Mark Yarbrough, President of Dallas
Theological Seminary and Dr. Josh Winn, Vice President of the seminary who will serve as your
emcee. You’ll have special opportunities to interact and ask questions with your hosts.

Where is the next event near me?

We’re thrilled to announce the Story of Scripture event coming to the Oklahoma City region.
Friday, February 2 and Saturday, February 3 at Faith Bible Church, 600 N Coltrane, Edmond,
Oklahoma 73034. Parking is plentiful and there is handicap parking available.

How do I register?

You can register online at www.thestoryofscripture.org.

Why is there an additional donation being asked for at the time of registration?

Dallas Theological Seminary is a nonprofit organization that presents this event at a loss. Any
donations help the seminary expand it’s ability to impact lives across the globe.

Is there an event outline?

You will be provided with a comprehensive attendee workbook filled with the session
outlines, added content for your spiritual growth, and a special word of encouragement from Dr.

What about meals and childcare?

Lunch for both days is included in your registration as well as snacks throughout the day,
water and fresh coffee, too! Currently Childcare is NOT available for this event.

What if I want to attend the event from out of town?

There are a variety of hotels within a short distance of the venue. Attendees are responsible
for their own accommodations.

What payment methods are accepted?

All major credit and debit cards are accepted for registration online

What is the refund policy in case of cancellation?

In the case where this event is canceled for weather or unforeseen circumstances your
registration fee will be refunded in full

Who are the keynote speakers or special guests?

In addition to Dr. Yarbrough, Dr. Josh Winn and Rebecca Carrell from Dallas Theological
Seminary may participate in this event. From time to time there will be guest teachers that

provide additional teaching during the Story of Scripture sessions.

Will there be opportunities for attendees to interact with speakers?

There are session breaks which allow you to interact with the session teachers as well as the
several Dallas Seminary staff who will be participating as well. In addition, there are scheduled
question and answer segments provided during the teaching sessions.

What should attendees bring with them?

Nothing required but your Bible and an open heart. Please dress comfortably. We encourage
you to bring a sweater or light jacket in case the room is cooler than you prefer. Fresh bottles of
water, hot coffee and light snacks are provided throughout the event.

Who can attendees contact for further assistance or inquiries?

If you need further assistance, email us at [email protected].

For further information regarding upcoming events and to register, please visit
www.thestoryofscripture.org. Here you will find the schedule for the two-day event, the exact
location of the venue, parking information, as well as information for handicap accommodations